A downloadable project

***This is a Unity project files, not a playable game***

This game was made for the Blackthornprod Pass the game game jam 2023 (Day 2)

A game where you pilot a spaceship and destroy asteroids to collect ressources. You can use a grapple to bring the ressources toward you. A health system is also implemented.

Made with unity 2022.3.5f1

Day 1 : sushiman

Controls (Fell free to change them) : 

Mouse / Left stick : Rotate

W / Right trigger : Accelerate

Q E / Left Right shoulder : Roll

Shift / A : Boost

Right click / X : Grapple

Left click / B  : Shoot

Tab / Select : Open/close upgrades menu (NYI)

Esc / Menu : Pause


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When the project will opens in Unity, you might find a blank scene. Don't worry, the main game is in the Scenes folder.
